This page last changed on Sep 12, 2005 by jstrachan.

The following are examples of how to use Mule inside any JBI container. They provide configuration examples for each of the open source JBI containers.

File Binding

This reads a file from one directory 'inbox' and writes it to an 'outbox' directory. The example shows how it can be configured in Mule-JBI, ServiceMix and Celtix.

Mule JBI

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE jbi-container PUBLIC "-//SymphonySoft //DTD mule-jbi-configuration XML V1.0//EN"

<jbi-container id="mule" xmlns:foo="">
    <!-- Mule Reciever that looks for files in the inbox directory -->
      <mule-component name="foo:fileReceiver" className="org.mule.providers.jbi.components.MuleReceiver">
            <endpoint address="file://./inbox?pollingFrequency=1000"/>
            <endpoint address="container://foo:fileSender"/>
      <!-- Mule Dispatcher that Writes files to the outbox directory -->
      <mule-component name="foo:fileSender" className="org.mule.providers.jbi.components.MuleDispatcher">
            <endpoint address="container://foo:fileSender"/>
            <endpoint address="file://./outbox?outputPattern=$[ORIGINALNAME]"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns:mule="">
  <!-- the JBI container -->
  <container id="jbi">
  <property name="useMBeanServer" value="true"/>
   <property name="createMBeanServer" value="true"/>
   <property name="dumpStats" value="true"/>
   <property name="statsInterval" value="10"/>
     <!-- Mule Reciever that looks for files in the inbox directory -->
      <component id="filePoller" service="foo:filePoller" class="org.mule.providers.jbi.components.MuleReceiver" destinationService="foo:fileSender">
          <property name="workManager" ref="workManager"/>
          <property name="endpoint" value="file://./inbox?pollingFrequency=1000"/>
          <property name="targetServiceName" value="fileSender"/>

      <!-- Mule Dispatcher that Writes files to the outbox directory -->
      <component id="fileSender" service="foo:fileSender" class="org.mule.providers.jbi.components.MuleDispatcher">
          <property name="endpoint" value="file://./outbox?outputPattern=$[ORIGINALNAME]"/>

  <!-- the work manager (thread pool) for this container -->
  <bean id="workManager" class="org.jencks.factory.WorkManagerFactoryBean">
    <property name="threadPoolSize" value="30"/>


Currently Celtix is using ServiceMix as its JBI container, so to deploy Mule components in Celtix then follow the same instructions as for ServiceMix

Document generated by Confluence on Oct 03, 2006 09:23